Hidden wallpapers in Win 7

Find out Hidden wallpapers and themes:

We all knew that while windows 7 is been installed it will ask for your country, Time Zone etc.., Now based on your responses windows 7 will automatically selects which wallpapers to install by default.

Suppose you had selected your country as India, So that windows seven will install some wallpapers which are related to India.

To unlock all the wallpapers just follow this simple steps:-

Step #1: Click on Start and type "C:\Windows\Globalization\MCT" in the search box.

Step #2: Now a window will open with some sub-folders "MCT-AU, MCT-CA, MCT-GB, MCT-US, and MCT-ZA" in which you can select your hidden wallpapers
Here AU, CA, GB, US, and ZA refers to Australia, Canada, Great Britain, United States and South Africa.

