Many people have been searching on google about how to enable or recover a disabled facebook account. Nowadays, we all are using facebook daily and we all have many valuable posts, pictures, messages etc.
But what if our facebook account gets disabled? So should we loose all our valuable friends and messages?
Don’t worry, will help you out here. :)
This Post is only meant for the users who are unable to access their Facebook accounts [Disabled Accounts].

How to get back a Disabled Facebook Account?
Everyone must notice the one main difference between Disabled facebook accounts and Temporarily locked facebook accounts. If your facebook account has been disabled, you won’t be able to log in and no one else will be able to see it and if your facebook account is temporarily locked then you can log into that particular account by answering your security question or by doing Photo-Identification process etc where are for disabled account you should submit Valid government-issued proof/ photo ID.

Please keep in mind that there are many reasons why a facebook account can get’s disabled. For certain violations, facebook won’t issue even a warning too before disabling your account. So when your Fb account was disabled, you’ll see a disabled message when you try to log in. The disable is of two types, temporarily disable and permanent disable.

Temporary disable will display a message – ‘Account disabled’ when you login, as I shown in this below Picture,

Permanent disable means you’ll never get back your id. It look’s like this when you try to login,

So check what message is it displaying when you’re trying to login. If it says as ‘Permanent disable’, then sorry, this post is not for you. You can never get back a permanent disabled account by following any method on any website!! :(

Only the temporarily disabled accounts can perform the method which I wrote below.
In general, a facebook account gets disabled if you violate term & rules of facebook.
  • Use of a fake name.
  • Use of stylish font profile names, special characters names.
  • Posting content that violates facebook terms.

    For more clear Information about facebook terms & policies, you can read it by Clicking Here.
Or even if some people reports badly about your profile, then there are chances for facebook staff to officially disable your account.
So if you think that your facebook account was disabled by mistake, you can Reactivate(Enable/Recover) that account by submitting an appeal,  so to submit an appeal, click the below Appeal button.

