How to Set Random Caller Ringtones in You Android Phone

We always set good caller ringtones in our android phone. But what about random caller ringtone. With the help of this trick, you can get random caller ringtone in your android phone. When anybody call you, you don’t know what’s your phone ringtone playing.
How to Set Random Caller Ringtones in You Android Phone
How to Set Random Caller Ringtones in You Android Phone
Your android phone randomly select any music from your folder from playing caller ringtone in your phone. You can do this from Randtune android app.

How to Set Random Caller Ringtones in You Android Phone

Randtune is the free android app that changes your android phone ringtone automatically.
1. Download Rand Tune app from Google Play Store.
Developer: tiseDdeV
Price: Free 
2. Open the app when it’s installed in your android phone.
3. When you open the app, you see two sections one for call ringtones and second for SMS ringtones.
Randtune Android App
Randtune Android App
Let us first add sounds for calls. To do that click the plus icon in the bottom of the screen.
4. Now you see three buttons on your screen. Tap the right button for selecting a directory of your music folder.
Randtune Android App
Randtune Android App
5. Navigate to the directory where you have saved all the music files to be used with the app. Select the directory and tap on “Select Directory.”.
Select Music Directory in Randtune Android App
Select Music Directory in Randtune Android App
6. All your music files show here. Now that’s it.
Your Music in Randtune Android App
Your Music in Randtune Android App
When anybody calls you , your phone play random call ringtones in your android phone.

